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Frequently Asked Questions About Our Golf Training Device

What is the Perfect Release for?
The Perfect Release is a golf swing training aid as well as a speed training tool. It is mainly for synchronizing the speed of the arm swing with speed of the body turn.
The Perfect Release INSTANTLY trains and relaxes your grip and maintains a square club face throughout the golf swing.
The Perfect Release is like having your own personal golf pro.
• Consistent proper set position on plane
• "Lag" is developed automatically which produces a seemingly effortless power.
• A square clubface is automatic
• A relaxed grip is automatically trained into your golf swing
Can I hit balls with the Perfect Release?
Yes, you can hit balls with the Perfect Release. The specially designed clip is fully adjustable to most golf club shafts. Use it to hit solid pitches, chips, and full shots.
Can I use the Perfect Release on any club or driver?
Yes, you can use the Perfect Release with any golf club in your bag. The choice is yours.
How can I use the Perfect Release for chipping?
The most common mistake in chipping is the dreaded “flip of the club” through impact, which causes the inconsistency. The Perfect Release shows you immediately what flipping the club looks and feels like. By simply holding off the flip, you will feel what is needed to eliminate the flip. One swing is all it will take; it’s that quick.
Can kids use the Perfect Release?
Yes. The Perfect Release comes with a smaller arm strap for the junior or smaller armed player. The cord remains the same length. Simply adjust the tension of the cord by sliding the club up or down the club shaft.
Does the cord for the Perfect come in different tensions?
Yes. The cord comes in regular tension (green) and heavy tension (yellow). Most players need the regular tension cord. The heavy tension cord is more of a reminder to relax the grip. The heavy/yellow cord is also a speed training tool.
What is the difference between the green and yellow cords?
The length is the same but the tension is heavier with the yellow cord.
How do you set the proper tension?
1. Place the clip about 5 to 6 inches from the club head on a middle iron (5, 6, 7). Be sure the clip is in-line with the leading edge of the club face.
2. Place the arm strap on the lead arm (left arm if swinging right handed) snug just above the elbow with the attachment ring down and in-line with the V of the thumb and forefinger when gripping the club.
3. Attach the cord first to the shaft clip and then to the arm strap attachment ring.
4. Standing tall; hold the club at your side only with the connected arm/hand and relax your grip completely. The club shaft should now be level or parallel to the ground.
5. To increase the tension, slide the clip towards the club head. To decrease the tension, slide the clip away from the club head.
Does the cord need to stay tight the whole time?
The cord should have no slack at the top of the back swing in a basic set position. The only time you will have to provide more tension is at address. This tension is a "usable tension" that will train the club throughout the swing. You will then learn to synchronize your body to the proper motions of the swing.
Why does the club head feel heavier after I disconnect the cord?
The Perfect Release takes the weight of the club out of your hands which allows you to relax your grip. The more you relax your grip, the heavier the club will feel.
How is the Perfect Release different than the heavy club?
Now, pay attention. This is very important.
The Perfect Release is a speed-training device, whereas the heavy club is a strength-training device. After using the Perfect Release, the club will feel heavy. You will really feel the club head. Since the tension of the cord provides more club head speed through the release, your body will quickly learn to synchronize with this speed. Therefore, you will be swinging a heavier club with more speed.
After using the heavy club, your club will feel lighter. You will be training for strength and you will not be very sensitive to the feel of the club head. Therefore, you will be swinging a lighter club with more strength but less speed. Training for strength is important; however, training for speed is more important for shot making and club head speed.
Train for both to be at your best.
Who uses the Perfect Release?
Teaching and touring golf professionals from around the world, professional long drivers(Mike Dobbyn, world long drive record holder/Remax long drive world champion for example) high school and college golf teams, juniors and amateurs of any ability use the Perfect Release for training.

-David Gunas Jr., AKA “Barefoot Dave”,
"I’ve never before seen a training aid that can transform a slice swing into a draw swing so quickly. The fact that it is so simple to use is what makes it ingenious.”

-Ken Hylwa - 8 Handicap
“I used the Perfect Release for the first time only for about two minutes before my round. It got me to relax my grip almost immediately. Even on the back nine I still felt how it softened my grip. I was able to hit great shots by just remembering how awesome it felt. The results lasted for the entire round and I can’t wait to go out and play another 18.”

- Mitchell Dobbyn,
"I met you guys at the PGA show in Las Vegas. I am a professional long driver and in my line of work it takes delivering the club at the perfect time with the most speed. I was able to do this with The Perfect Release. Instantly I was hitting the ball more solid with a better ball flight. My swing speed jumped from 140 to 145. I was able to achieve this with less effort and was able to stay on balance easier. I will be training with this device every day."

-Mike Malaska
“This is the Best Training Aid I have ever seen, Awesome!”

-Dave Edwards,
“Perfect Release is absolutely incredible for creating the proper muscle memory needed in the golf swing. It is one of the best training tools I have ever seen.”